Dev-Log 2 Post Software Engineering

We have gone and went through a Software Design Process and in doing so have some new information. While looking through how our scripts function with one another and how  they act separately we have found that the Miniboss and Enemies share similar scripts overall. It was recommended to us that we create an inheritance parent script that the functions of enemies and bosses pull from. We have decided not to implement such a thing as of yet because we find that though there are many similarities, in the end we want the ability to have total control of all possible Miniboss functionalities and have different interactions for the same collisions as an example. These features would become harder to work with under inheritance and may effect the Enemies. We now have a working Power-Up function based upon the player's bloodthirst (i.e. kill zombies, get better guns, kill more zombies). 

Do not forget to follow us for our release of the game during the Game Expo on December 4th!


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