Dev-Log 4 Level Designs

In this log we will be detailing the design process behind our levels. The designs of the levels has morphed slightly to provide better gameplay and visualization of the levels. Our main game mechanic revolves around the idea of maxing out your score as fast as possible while traveling through our linear levels slaying Zombies at an expedited rate. Only you can save the citizens of Mechaman City from what the government is calling the "Biohazard" before Mechaman City becomes rubble and Level Look

Level 1 is meant to represent a long stretch of road coming into a city where our Player is originally deployed to clear out the contamination zone. Here you will get used to player and enemy movements as well as the weapon variants tied to your Player. You start behind a row of police vehicles setup to block off the exit and entry into the city. From there you will clear out the infestation and enter the MANsion of Mechaman City. (First section of Screencaps)

Level 2 has had some changes occur between design and implementation, mainly with how the powerup system now works and the "Office" has become a "Master Bedroom". This level is set within the MANsion but it is going to feel a little cramped. Zombies seem to populate almost every  orifice of the MANsion and we need it cleared out to setup a survival checkpoint for those deeper within the city. It will be the job of the Player to handle this mess. (Second section of Screencaps)

Level 3 has had a setting change from city park to the city depths. The Player is tasked with making way from the newly cleared out MANsion to the current Survival Checkpoint. The depths of the city swarm with the infection at an exponential rate. The mutations that seemed far and few between are becoming common amongst the zombie horde. This is making it near impossible to clear out the way to MANsion. Clear the path for the citizens and evacuate yourself from the city. New orders state that the government does not have the resources to save the whole city and instead will be leveling the place. (Third section of Screencaps)

Get those citizens out of there on December 4th at the Florida Polytechnic Game Expo and don't forget to vote for Biohazard!


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